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Selling your Property
Buying a Property
The selling process
Get your property appraised
Through our web service or by phone, we can begin conducting a free market appraisal service (hyperlink). We’ll contact you to know what you want to do in terms of your property goals.
Your property is on the market
Your property will be advertised to potential buyers. We spend countless hours marketing your property to ensure its best qualities stand out to customers.
Our property experts spread about your property
Your property is advertised on multiple different networks including market leaders such as Rightmove and Zoopla. We advertise locally and nationally. Each property’s marketing scheme is different depending on your needs to ensure you get leads that are only relevant to you.
Wait for buyers
While our property experts are hard at work marketing your property and finding you the best deals, we may contact you for further property details to refine our marketing process. You can ensure your property is being marketed worry-free by us as we take care of all aspects of the marketing.
Our main interest is ensuring you get the best deal for your company. With nearly 30 years of experience in negotiations, the Propertyline negotiation team doesn’t settle for anything less than what your property is worth.
Property Sold
Congratulations! Your property is sold. The Propertyline team will inform you about next steps to make sure the transitory process is smooth.
A sales team like no other